قديم 16-12-2017, 12:12 AM
  المشاركه #1

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 250
الرسام3 غير متواجد حالياً  

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ممكن تصحيح المعادلة كل ماركبتها يعطلع لي خطاء

// Kenzie SR System - 09/2010
// Modified By Kenzie Sebastian ((تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى))
// Modified By (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
// - fixed the % change to display correctly
// - modified buy/sell signals display above/below candles
// - added Market trend S&P 500
// - change color of characters to display with black background.
SetBarsRequired( 800, 0 );

GraphXSpace = 7;
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );

// set criteria to scan for big stock only;
BigStock = MA( V, 10 ) * MA( C, 10 ) > 1000000;

per1 = 6;
per2 = 2;
Om = MA( O, per1 );
hm = MA( H, per1 );
lm = MA( L, per1 );
Cm = MA( C, per1 );

// 1. Heiken Ashi
HACLOSE = ( Om + Hm + Lm + Cm ) / 4;
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( Hm, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( Lm, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );

Of = MA( Haopen, per2 );
Cf = MA( Haclose, per2 );
Lf = IIf( haOpen < haClose, MA( Halow, per2 ), MA( Hahigh, per2 ) );
Hf = IIf( haOpen < haClose, MA( Hahigh, per2 ), MA( Halow, per2 ) );
//Color = IIf( Cf > Of, colorGreen, colorRed );


TrailStop = HHV( C - 2 * ATR( 10 ), 15 );
ProfitTaker = EMA( H, 13 ) + 2 * ATR( 10 );

/* **********************************
Code to automatically identify pivots
********************************** */

// -- what will be our lookback range for the hh and ll?
farback = 140; //How Far back to go
nBars = 12; //Number of bars

// -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
aHPivs = H - H;
aLPivs = L - L;

// -- More for future use, not necessary for basic plotting
aHPivHighs = H - H;
aLPivLows = L - L;
aHPivIdxs = H - H;
aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;
nLPivs = 0;
lastHPIdx = 0;
lastLPIdx = 0;
lastHPH = 0;
lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;

// -- looking back from the current bar, how many bars
// back were the hhv and llv values of the previous
// n bars, etc.?
aHHVBars = HHVBars( H, nBars );
aLLVBars = LLVBars( L, nBars );
aHHV = HHV( H, nBars );
aLLV = LLV( L, nBars );

// -- Would like to set this up so pivots are calculated back from
// last visible bar to make it easy to "go back" and see the pivots
// this code would find. However, the first instance of
// _Trace output will show a value of 0
aVisBars = Status( "barvisible" );
nLastVisBar = LastValue( Highest( IIf( aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0 ) ) );
_TRACE( "Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar );

// -- Initialize value of curTrend
curBar = ( BarCount - 1 );
curTrend = "";

if ( aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar] )
curTrend = "D";
curTrend = "U";

// -- Loop through bars. Search for
// entirely array-based approach
// in future version
for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
curBar = ( BarCount - 1 ) - i;
// -- Have we identified a pivot? If trend is down...

if ( aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar] )
// ... and had been up, this is a trend change
if ( curTrend == "U" )
curTrend = "D";
// -- Capture pivot information
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;

// -- or current trend is up
if ( curTrend == "D" )
curTrend = "U";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;

// -- If curTrend is up...else...

// -- loop through bars

// -- Basic attempt to add a pivot this logic may have missed
// -- OK, now I want to look at last two pivots. If the most
// recent low pivot is after the last high, I could
// still have a high pivot that I didn't catch
// -- Start at last bar
curBar = ( BarCount - 1 );

candIdx = 0;

candPrc = 0;

lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];

lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];

lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];

lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];

if ( lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx )
// -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aHHV[curBar];

if (
lastHPH < candPrc AND
candIdx > lastLPIdx AND
candIdx < curBar )
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange s in the
// pivot information arrays

for ( j = 0; j < nHPivs; j++ )
aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs- ( j+1 )];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-( j+1 )];

aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc ;

aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
// -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aLLV[curBar];

if (
lastLPL > candPrc AND
candIdx > lastHPIdx AND
candIdx < curBar )
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange s in the
// pivot information arrays

for ( j = 0; j < nLPivs; j++ )
aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-( j+1 )];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-( j+1 )];

aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;

aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;

//============== EXPLORATION ==============
Buy = Cover = BigStock AND aLPivs == 1;

Sell = Short = BigStock AND aHPivs == 1;

SellPrice = ValueWhen( Sell, C, 1 );

BuyPrice = ValueWhen( Buy, C, 1 );

Long = Flip( Buy, Sell );

Shrt = Flip( Sell, Buy );

//============== Plot price ==============
n = 15;

a = C > ( MA( H, n ) + MA( L, n ) ) / 2;// then Buy next bar at market;

b = C < ( MA( H, n ) + MA( L, n ) ) / 2;// then Sell Short next bar at market;

state = IIf( BarsSince( a ) < BarsSince( b ), 1, 0 );

Longs = state == 1;

shorts = state == 0;

Colorbar = IIf( Longs, colorGreen, IIf( Shorts, colorRed, colorGrey40 ) );

Plot( C, "Close", colorbar, styleCandle = 64 | styleNoTitle );

//============== Plot Shape ==============
PlotShapes( IIf( aHPivs == 1, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorOrange, 0, High, Offset = -45 );

PlotShapes( IIf( aLPivs == 1, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone ), colorLime, 0, Low, Offset = -20 );
PlotShapes( IIf(Buy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone),colorBrightGreen, 0, BuyPrice, Offset = -15 );
PlotShapes( IIf(Sell, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0 ,SellPrice, Offset = 45 );
FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar" );
Lastvisiblebar = Status("LastVisibleBar");
for( b = Firstvisiblebar; b <= Lastvisiblebar AND b < BarCount; b++)
if( Buy[b] ) PlotText("\n\n\n\n Buy\n "+NumToStr(BuyPrice[b],1.2),b,BuyPrice[b],colorBrightGreen);
else if( Sell[b] ) PlotText("Sell "+NumToStr(SellPrice[b], 1.2),b,SellPrice[b],colorWhite);

//============== EMA(13) ==============
Plot( EMA( C, 13 ), "" , colorSkyblue + styleLine + styleNoRescale );

//============== TRENDING ==============
DTL = 150; // DTL = Define Trend Long

DTM = 70; // DTM = Define Trend Medium

DTS = 14; // DTS = Define Trend Short

TL = LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTL ), 2 ); // TL = Trend Long

TM = LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTM ), 2 ); // TM = Trend Medium

TS = LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTS ), 2 ); // TS = Trend Short

TLL = IIf( LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTL ), 2 ) > 0, True, False );

TMM = IIf( LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTM ), 2 ) > 0, True, False );

TSS = IIf( LinRegSlope( MA( C, DTS ), 2 ) > 0, True, False );

//============== VOLUME ==============
Vlp = 30; //Volume lookback period

Vrg = MA( V, Vlp );

St = StDev( Vrg, Vlp );

Vp3 = Vrg + 3 * st;

Vp2 = Vrg + 2 * st;

Vp1 = Vrg + 1 * st;

Vn1 = Vrg - 1 * st;

Vn2 = Vrg - 2 * st;

//============== WILLIAM'S %R ==============
WR = ( ( HHV( H, 14 ) - C ) / ( HHV ( H, 14 ) - LLV ( L, 14 ) ) ) * -100;

//============== A/D ==============
TRH = IIf( Ref( C, -1 ) > H, Ref( C, -1 ), H );

TRL = IIf( Ref( C, -1 ) < L, Ref( C, -1 ), L );

ad = IIf( C > Ref( C, -1 ), C - TRL, IIf( C < Ref( C, -1 ), C - TRH, 0 ) );

WAD = Cum( ad );

wu = wad > Ref( wad, -1 );

wd = wad < Ref( wad, -1 );

//============== MACD ==============
MB = Cross ( MACD(), Signal() );

MS = Cross( Signal(), MACD() );

MB = ExRem( MB, MS );

MS = ExRem( MS, MB );

MB1 = MACD() > Signal();

MS1 = MACD() < Signal();

//============== STOCH ==============
StochKval = StochK( 10, 5 );

StochDval = StochD( 10, 5, 5 );

StochBuy = Cross( StochK( 10, 5 ), StochD( 10, 5, 5 ) );

StochSell = Cross ( StochD( 10, 5, 5 ), StochK( 10, 5 ) );

StBuy = StochK( 10, 5 ) > StochD( 10, 5, 5 );

StSell = StochK( 10, 5 ) < StochD( 10, 5, 5 );

//============== ADX ==============
adxBuy = Cross( PDI( 14 ), MDI( 14 ) );

adxSell = Cross( MDI( 14 ), PDI( 14 ) );

adxBuy = ExRem( adxBuy, adxSell );

adxSell = ExRem( adxSell, adxBuy );

adxbuy1 = PDI( 14 ) > MDI( 14 );

adxsell1 = MDI( 14 ) > PDI( 14 );

//==============Zero Lag TMA ==============
function ZeroLagTEMA( array, period )
TMA1 = TEMA( array, period );
TMA2 = TEMA( TMA1, period );
Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
return TMA1 + Diff ;

haClose = ( haClose + haOpen + haHigh + haLow ) / 4;

periodtm = 55;
ZLHa = ZeroLagTEMA( haClose, periodtm );
ZLTyp = ZeroLagTEMA( Avg, periodtm );
TMBuy = Cross( ZLTyp, ZLHa );
TMSell = Cross( ZLHa, ZLTyp );
TMBuy1 = ZLTyp > ZLHa ;
TMSell1 = ZLHa > ZLTyp ;

//============== ZLW ==============
R = ( ( HHV( H, 14 ) - C ) / ( HHV ( H, 14 ) - LLV ( L, 14 ) ) ) * -100;
MaxGraph = 10;
PeriodZ = 10;
EMA1 = EMA( R, PeriodZ );
EMA2 = EMA( EMA1, 5 );
Difference = EMA1 - EMA2;
ZeroLagEMA = EMA1 + Difference;
PR = 100 - abs( ZeroLagEMA );
MoveAvg = MA( PR, 5 );
ZBuy = Cross( PR, moveAvg ) AND PR < 30;
ZSell = Cross( moveAvg, PR ) AND PR > 70;
ZBuy1 = PR >= MoveAvg AND PR >= Ref( PR, -1 ) ;
ZSell1 = ( PR < MoveAvg ) OR PR >= MoveAvg AND PR < Ref( PR, -1 ) ;

//============== RS ==============
p = ( H + L + C ) / 3;
r1 = ( 2 * p ) - L;
s1 = ( 2 * p ) - H;
r2 = p + ( r1 - s1 );
s2 = p - ( r2 - s1 );
R3 = P + ( R2 - S2 );
S3 = P - ( R3 - S2 );

//============== IBUY ==============
Ibuy = Cross( RSI( 14 ), EMA( RSI( 14 ), 9 ) );
Isell = Cross( EMA( RSI( 14 ), 9 ), RSI( 14 ) );
Ibuy = ExRem( Ibuy, ISell );
Isell = ExRem( ISell, Ibuy );
BlRSI = RSI( 14 ) > EMA( RSI( 14 ), 9 );
BrRSI = RSI( 14 ) < EMA( RSI( 14 ), 9 );

//=================Trend & Signals & Market Index ===============================
/// Please replace "00DSEGEN" with your market index ticker and activate the codes

/// Market Bull Bear

Cg = Foreign("^GSPC", "C");
Cgo= Ref(Cg,-1);

//Longterm Bullish or Bearish
Bullg = Cg > WMA(Cg,200);
Bearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,200);

//Midterm Bullish or Bearish
mBullg = Cg >WMA(Cg,50);
mBearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,50);

//Shortterm Bullish or Bearish
sBullg = Cg >WMA(Cg,15);
sBearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,15);

xChange1=Cg - Ref(Cg,-1);
Change1 = StrFormat("%1.2f% ",xChange1);
barche1= xChange1>=0;
Comche1= xChange1<0;
xperchange1 = xChange1/100;
perchange1 = StrFormat("%1.2f% ",xperchange1);
positivechange1 = xperchange1>0;
negativechange1 = xperchange1<0;

//=================Trend & Signals & Market Index END===============================

//============== TITLE ==============
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Title" );
printf( "Open : " + O );

if ( Status( "action" ) == actionIndicator )
Title = EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Kenzie SR System" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " (" + Name() + ") " + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + Interval( 2 ) +
" " + Date() + " " + " Open " + O + " " + "Hi " + H + " " + "Lo " + L + " " + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +
"Close " + C + " ( " + WriteVal( ( C - Ref( C, -1 ) ) * 100 / Ref( C, -1 ), 1.1 ) + " %)" + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + " Vol= " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 )
+ " " + WriteIf( V > Vp2, EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + "(Very High)", WriteIf( V > Vp1, EncodeColor( colorLime ) + "(High)", WriteIf( V > Vrg, EncodeColor( colorLime ) + "(Above Average)",
WriteIf( V<Vrg AND V>Vn1, EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 128 ) ) + "(Less than Average)", WriteIf( V < Vn1, "(Low)", "" ) ) ) ) ) + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + " "
+ EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "EMA(Close,13) = " +EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + WriteVal( EMA( C, 13 ), 1.2 )

+ "\n\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +
WriteIf ( Buy , "Signal: Go Long -" +EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + " Entry Price: " + WriteVal( C, 1.2 ) + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +" - Last Exit Price: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) +WriteVal( SellPrice, 1.2 )
+ " (" + WriteVal( ( BuyPrice - SellPrice ), 1.2 ) + ")" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +" - s: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + WriteVal( C * .95, 1.2 ) + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " - Reward Risk Ratio: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal( ( profittaker - C ) / ( C - C * 0.95 ), 1.2 ) + " - " + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Strong Buy!"
, "" ) +

EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +
WriteIf ( Sell , "Signal: Go Short -" + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) +"Exit Price: " + WriteVal( C, 1.2 ) + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +
" - Profit: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + WriteVal( ( SellPrice - BuyPrice ), 1.2 ) + " (" + WriteVal( ( ( SellPrice - BuyPrice ) * 100 / BuyPrice ), 1.1 ) + "%)" + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + " - Profit Taking!", "" ) +
EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +
WriteIf( Long AND NOT Buy, "Trade:" + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) +" Long" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) +"- Entry Price: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal( ( BuyPrice ), 1.2 ) +EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " - Profit: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal( ( C - BuyPrice ), 1.2 ) + " (" + WriteVal( ( ( C - BuyPrice ) * 100 / BuyPrice ), 1.1 ) + "%)" +
EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " - s: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal( ( BuyPrice * .95 ), 1.2 ) + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " - Reward Risk Ratio: " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal( ( profittaker - BuyPrice ) / ( BuyPrice - BuyPrice * 0.95 ), 1.2 ) + " - " + EncodeColor( colorGold ) + " Let your profit's run !", "" ) +
WriteIf( shrt AND NOT Sell, "Trade: Short - Exit Price: " + WriteVal( ( SellPrice ), 1.2 ) + " - Profit: " + WriteVal( ( SellPrice - BuyPrice ), 1.2 ) + " (" + WriteVal( ( ( SellPrice - BuyPrice ) * 100 / BuyPrice ), 1.1 ) + "%) - " + EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + "Watch for a Strong Buy Signal !", "" )

+ "\n\n" + EncodeColor( colorLightGrey ) + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Short Term: " +
WriteIf( TS > 0 AND TS < 0.3, EncodeColor( colorLime ) + "Weak Up Trend",
WriteIf( TS >= 0.3 AND TS < 0.6 , EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Medium Up Trend",
WriteIf( TS >= 0.6, EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + "Strong Up Trend",
WriteIf( TS<0 AND TS> -0.3, EncodeColor( colorPink ) + "Weak Down Trend",
WriteIf( TS <= -0.3 AND TS > -0.6 , EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 128 ) ) + "Medium Down Trend",
WriteIf( TS <= -0.6, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Strong Down Trend", EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Sideways" ) ) ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Mid Term: " +
WriteIf( TM > 0 AND TM < 0.3, EncodeColor( colorLime ) + "Weak Up Trend",
WriteIf( TM >= 0.3 AND TM < 0.6 , EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Medium Up Trend",
WriteIf( TM >= 0.6, EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + "Strong Up Trend",
WriteIf( TM<0 AND TM> -0.3, EncodeColor( colorPink ) + "Weak Down Trend",
WriteIf( TM <= -0.3 AND TM > -0.6 , EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 128 ) ) + "Medium Down Trend",
WriteIf( TM <= -0.6, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Strong Down Trend", EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Sideways" ) ) ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Long Term: " +
WriteIf( TL > 0 AND TL < 0.3, EncodeColor( colorLime ) + "Weak Up Trend",
WriteIf( TL >= 0.3 AND TL < 0.6 , EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Medium Up Trend",
WriteIf( TL >= 0.6, EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + "Strong Up Trend",
WriteIf( TL<0 AND TL> -0.3, EncodeColor( colorPink ) + "Weak Down Trend",
WriteIf( TL <= -0.3 AND TL > -0.6 , EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 128 ) ) + "Medium Down Trend",
WriteIf( TL <= -0.6, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Strong Down Trend", EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Sideways" ) ) ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( colorLightGrey ) +":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "AccDist (): " + WriteIf( wu, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Accumulation", WriteIf( wd, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Distribution", "Neutral" ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "RSI (14): " + WriteIf( RSI( 14 ) > 30 AND RSI( 14 ) < 70, EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( RSI( 14 ) < 30 , EncodeColor( colorBlue ), EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) ) + WriteVal( RSI( 14 ), format = 1.1 )
+ WriteIf( RSI( 14 ) > 30 AND RSI( 14 ) < 70, " Range" + EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( RSI( 14 ) < 30 , " OverSold" + EncodeColor( colorBlue ), " OverBought" + EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "CCI (14): " + WriteIf( CCI( 14 ) > -100 AND CCI( 14 ) < 100, EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( CCI( 14 ) < -100 , EncodeColor( colorBlue ), EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) ) + WriteVal( CCI( 14 ), format = 1.1 )
+ WriteIf( CCI( 14 ) > -100 AND CCI( 14 ) < 100, " Range" + EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( CCI( 14 ) < -100 , " OverSold" + EncodeColor( colorBlue ), " OverBought" + EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "ROC (C,14): " + WriteIf( ROC( C, 14 ) > -10 AND ROC( C, 14 ) < 10, EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( ROC( C, 14 ) < -10 , EncodeColor( colorBlue ), EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) ) + WriteVal( ROC( C, 14 ), format = 1.1 )
+ WriteIf( ROC( C, 14 ) > -10 AND ROC( C, 14 ) < 10, " Range" + EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( ROC( C, 14 ) < -10 , " OverSold" + EncodeColor( colorBlue ), " OverBought" + EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Wm%R (14): " + WriteIf( WR > -80 AND WR < -20, EncodeColor( colorGold ), WriteIf( WR < -80 , EncodeColor( colorBlue ), EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) ) + WriteVal( WR, format = 1.1 )
+ WriteIf( WR > -80 AND WR < -20, " Range" + EncodeColor(colorGold ), WriteIf( WR < -80 , " OverSold" + EncodeColor( colorBlue ), " OverBought" + EncodeColor( colorRed ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( colorLightGrey ) +":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Signal (RSI): " + WriteIf( Ibuy, EncodeColor( colorGold) + "BuyWarning", WriteIf( Isell, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "SellWarning", WriteIf( BlRSI, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "BullishZone", WriteIf( BrRSI, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "BearishZone", "Neutral" ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Signal (Z Lag): " + WriteIf( TMBuy, EncodeColor(colorGold ) + "Buy", WriteIf( TMSell, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Sell", WriteIf( TMBuy1, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Bullish", WriteIf( TMSell1, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Bearish", "Neutral" ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Signal (MACD): " + WriteIf( MB, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Buy", WriteIf( MS, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Sell", WriteIf( MB1, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Bullish", WriteIf( MS1, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Bearish", "Neutral" ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Signal (Stoch): " + WriteIf( StochBuy, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Buy", WriteIf( StochSell, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Sell", WriteIf( StBuy, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Bullish", WriteIf( StSell, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Bearish", "Neutral" ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Signal (ADX): " + WriteIf( adxBuy, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Buy", WriteIf( adxSell, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Sell", WriteIf( adxBuy1, EncodeColor( colorGold ) + "Bullish", WriteIf( adxSell1, EncodeColor( colorRed ) + "Bearish", "Neutral" ) ) ) )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( colorLightGrey ) +":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Trigger Stop : " + EncodeColor( colorLime ) + WriteVal( TrailStop, format = 1.0 )
+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "Trigger Price Profit : " + EncodeColor( colorLime ) + WriteVal( Profittaker, format = 1.0 )
+ "\n" +EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "R1: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( r1, format = 1.0 )
+ EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " R2: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( r2, format = 1.0 )
+ EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " R3: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( r3, format = 1.0 )
+ "\n" +EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "S1: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( s1, format = 1.0 )
+ EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " S2: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( s2, format = 1.0 )
+EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + " S3: " + EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + WriteVal( s3, format = 1.0 )

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( colorLightGrey ) + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"

+ "\n\n\n\n\n\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤"

+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"S&P 500 Index: "+ WriteIf(Cg>Cgo,EncodeColor(08),EncodeColor(04))+WriteVal(Cg,format=1.2)+WriteI f(positivechange1, EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),"")+WriteIf(negativechange1,EncodeColor(colorRed ), "")+" ( "+WriteIf(barche1,"\\c08"+Change1,"")+WriteIf(barche1,"\\c08 ","")+WriteIf(Comche1,"\\c04"+Change1,"")+ WriteIf(Comche1,"\\c04 ","")+""+") "

+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"Market Trend: "+ WriteIf(sBullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"WMA (15) UP",WriteIf(sBearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"WMA (15) Down",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"WMA (15) Flat"))

+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"Market Trend: "+ WriteIf(mBullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"WMA (50) UP",WriteIf(mBearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"WMA (50) Down",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"WMA (50) Flat"))

+ "\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"Market Trend: " +WriteIf(Bullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"WMA (200) UP",WriteIf(Bearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"WMA (200) Down",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"WMA (200) Flat"))

+ "\n" + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( 111, 208, 255 ) ) + "¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤"


//============== BACKGROUND NAME ==============

pxwidth = Status( "pxwidth" );

pxheight = Status( "pxheight" );

GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 );

GfxSetBkMode( 0 ); // transparent

GfxSelectFont( "Amienne", Status( "pxheight" ) / 15 );

//GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey40 );

//GfxTextOut( "Kenzie Sebastian", Status("pxwidth")/5.3, Status("pxheight")/5 );


////BACKGROUND COLOR////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//SetChartBkGradientFill( colorPlum, colorPlum);


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Keltner Bands" );

P = ParamField( "Price field", -1 );

Periods = Param( "Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1 );

Width = Param( "Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );

Color = ParamColor( "Color", colorBlue );

Style = ParamStyle( "Style" );

CenterLine = MA( P, Periods );

KTop = CenterLine + Width * ATR( Periods );

KBot = CenterLine - Width * ATR( Periods );

Plot( KTop, "KBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style );

Plot( KBot, "KBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style );

الموضوع الأصلي : اضغط هنا    ||   المصدر : منتدى هوامير البورصة السعودية

رد مع اقتباس

قديم 16-12-2017, 12:19 AM
  المشاركه #2

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 250
الرسام3 غير متواجد حالياً  

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-12-2017, 12:40 AM
  المشاركه #3

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 250
الرسام3 غير متواجد حالياً  

تم رفعه لحذف الايميل

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-2017, 10:22 PM
  المشاركه #4

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  

حمله من هنا

وان شاء الله تمشى معاك


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-2017, 10:24 PM
  المشاركه #5

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  

وهذه صورة المؤشر بعد التعديل


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-2017, 10:32 PM
  المشاركه #6

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 27-12-2017, 10:33 PM
  المشاركه #7

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  

رد: ياخبراء معادلات الايمي

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-2017, 10:47 PM
  المشاركه #8

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2015
المشاركات: 270
ابوعبدالرحمن 55 غير متواجد حالياً  

ما زال هناك ثلاثة اخطاء بارك الله فيك

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 28-12-2017, 02:07 PM
  المشاركه #9

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابوعبدالرحمن 55 مشاهدة المشاركة
ما زال هناك ثلاثة اخطاء بارك الله فيك
ممكن اعرف رقم النسخة التى تستعملها فى الايمى بروكر

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 28-12-2017, 02:09 PM
  المشاركه #10

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشاركات: 310
haat غير متواجد حالياً  

لان تم تعديل الاخطاء واشتغلت معى ووضعت لك صورة المؤشر

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 31-12-2017, 12:01 AM
  المشاركه #11

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 250
الرسام3 غير متواجد حالياً  

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة haat مشاهدة المشاركة
حمله من هنا

وان شاء الله تمشى معاك

يسلم راسك يابعدي ضبطت

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 31-12-2017, 12:32 AM
  المشاركه #12

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 250
الرسام3 غير متواجد حالياً  

الي ماتطلع معه الشموع يحمل المرفق ويلصقه اخر المعادلة



رد مع اقتباس
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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
معادلات, الايمي, ياخبراء

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لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
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12:40 AM