قديم 26-04-2019, 02:23 AM
  المشاركه #1

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 3,104
majed2005 غير متواجد حالياً  

مطلوب لو تكرمت معادلة نموذج الهارمونك abcd للايمي بروكر
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رد مع اقتباس

قديم 18-05-2019, 07:31 AM
  المشاركه #2

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 392
sosn غير متواجد حالياً  


// Gartley 222 Pattern Indi***or Plot
// Ported by Daniel Ervi from code originally posted for Wealth-Lab by Mark Conway.
// Based on the August 2003 article in Active Trader Magazine.
// Usage: Gartley222(VPFactor, Tolerance, Lookback)
// VPFactor adjusts swing size percentage (Zig Zag)
// Tolerance adjusts percentage tolerance from ideal pattern specifi***ion
// Lookback adjusts volatility calculation
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack), ParamStyle("Styel",styleCandle,styleCandle|styleBar|styleThick));
_SECTION_BEGIN("Gartley Color");
BullishCo1 = ParamColor("Bullish-1", colorBlue);
BullishCo2 = ParamColor("Bullish-2", colorDarkBlue);
BearishCo1 = ParamColor("Bearish-1", colorRed);
BearishCo2 = ParamColor("Bearish-2", colorDarkRed);
procedure Gartley222(VPFactor, Tolerance, Lookback)
F1 = 0.618;
F2 = 0.786;
F3 = 1.27;
F4 = 1.618;
// Setup volatility adjusted reversal array
VP = 100 * ATR(Lookback) / Close;
Reversal = int(VPFactor * VP);
Bar = BarCount-Param("No of Bars",100,20,1000,10); //No of Bars Selected by user
if (BarCount < 100)
Bar = 0;
// for(Bar = 50; Bar < BarCount; Bar++)
for(Bar; Bar < BarCount; Bar++)
// Build Peak and Trough arrays
P1 = Peak(High, Reversal[Bar]);
P1Bar = Bar - PeakBars(High, Reversal[Bar]);
P2 = Peak(High, Reversal[Bar], 2);
P2Bar = Bar - PeakBars(High, Reversal[Bar], 2);
T1 = Trough(Low, Reversal[Bar]);
T1Bar = Bar - TroughBars(Low, Reversal[Bar]);
T2 = Trough(Low, Reversal[Bar], 2);
T2Bar = Bar - TroughBars(Low, Reversal[Bar], 2);
// Test for a bullish 222
// Trough X is T2
// Peak A is P2
// Trough B is T1
// Peak C is P1
// D is the Buy point
D = Low[Bar];
PTValid = (P1Bar[Bar] > T1Bar[Bar]) AND (T1Bar[Bar] > P2Bar[Bar]) AND (P2Bar[Bar] > T2Bar[Bar]);
HLValid = (P1[Bar] < P2[Bar]) AND (T1[Bar] > T2[Bar]) AND (P1[Bar] > T1[Bar]);
InZone = (D < T1[Bar]) AND (D > T2[Bar]);
if(PTValid AND HLValid AND InZone)
XA = P2[Bar] - T2[Bar];
AB = P2[Bar] - T1[Bar];
BC = P1[Bar] - T1[Bar];
CD = P1[Bar] - D;
AD = P2[Bar] - D;
ABdXA = AB / XA; // AB should be 61.8% of XA
C1 = (ABdXA > F1 - Tolerance) AND (ABdXA < F1 + Tolerance);
BCdAB = BC / AB; // BC should be 61.8-78.6% of AB
C2 = (BCdAB > F1 - Tolerance) AND (BCdAB < F2 + Tolerance);
CDdBC = CD / BC; // CD should be 127-161.8% of BC}
C3 = (CDdBC > F3 - Tolerance) AND (CDdBC < F4 + Tolerance);
ADdXA = AD / XA; // AD should be 78.6% of XA}
C4 = (ADdXA > F2 - Tolerance) AND (ADdXA < F2 + Tolerance);
if(C1 AND C2 AND C3 AND C4)
// Bullish Gartley found. Draw pattern.
PlotXA = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar]);
Plot(PlotXA, "", BullishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotAB = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotAB, "", BullishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotBC = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotBC, "", BullishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotCD = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotCD, "", BullishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotBD = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotBD, "", BullishCo2, styleSwingDots );
PlotXD = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotXD, "", BullishCo2, styleSwingDots );
PlotXB = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotXB, "", BullishCo2, styleSwingDots );
// Test for a bearish 222
// Peak X is P2
// Trough A is T2
// Peak B is P1
// Trough C is T1
// D is the Buy point
D = High[Bar];
PTValid = (T1Bar[Bar] > P1Bar[Bar]) AND (P1Bar[Bar] > T2Bar[Bar]) AND (T2Bar[Bar] > P2Bar[Bar]);
HLValid = (T1[Bar] > T2[Bar]) AND (P1[Bar] < P2[Bar]) AND (T1[Bar] < P1[Bar]);
InZone = (D > P1[Bar]) AND (D < P2[Bar]);
if(PTValid AND HLValid AND InZone)
XA = P2[Bar] - T2[Bar];
AB = P1[Bar] - T2[Bar];
BC = P1[Bar] - T1[Bar];
CD = D - T1[Bar];
AD = D - T2[Bar];
ABdXA = AB / XA; // AB should be 61.8% of XA
C1 = (ABdXA > F1 - Tolerance) AND (ABdXA < F1 + Tolerance);
BCdAB = BC / AB; // BC should be 61.8-78.6% of AB
C2 = (BCdAB > F1 - Tolerance) AND (BCdAB < F2 + Tolerance);
CDdBC = CD / BC; // CD should be 127-161.8% of BC}
C3 = (CDdBC > F3 - Tolerance) AND (CDdBC < F4 + Tolerance);
ADdXA = AD / XA; // AD should be 78.6% of XA}
C4 = (ADdXA > F2 - Tolerance) AND (ADdXA < F2 + Tolerance);
if(C1 AND C2 AND C3 AND C4)
// Bearish Gartley found. Draw pattern.
PlotXA = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar]);
Plot(PlotXA, "", BearishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotAB = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotAB, "", BearishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotBC = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotBC, "", BearishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotCD = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotCD, "", BearishCo1, styleLine + styleThick);
PlotBD = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotBD, "", BearishCo2, styleSwingDots );
PlotXD = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], Bar, D);
Plot(PlotXD, "", BearishCo2, styleSwingDots );
PlotXB = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
Plot(PlotXB, "", BearishCo2, styleSwingDots );
Gartley222(1.0, 0.3, 2);

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 19-05-2019, 11:29 AM
  المشاركه #3

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 3,104
majed2005 غير متواجد حالياً  

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sosn مشاهدة المشاركة

// gartley 222 pattern indi***or plot
// ported by daniel ervi from code originally posted for wealth-lab by mark conway.
// based on the august 2003 article in active trader magazine.
// usage: Gartley222(vpfactor, tolerance, lookback)
// vpfactor adjusts swing size percentage (zig zag)
// tolerance adjusts percentage tolerance from ideal pattern specifi***ion
// lookback adjusts volatility calculation
_n(title = strformat("{{name}} - {{interval}} {{date}} open %g, hi %g, lo %g, close %g (%.1f%%) {{values}}", o, h, l, c, selectedvalue( roc( c, 1 ) ) ));
//plot( c, "close", paramcolor("color", colorblack ), stylenotitle | paramstyle("style") | getpricestyle() );
plot( c, "close", paramcolor("color", colorblack), paramstyle("styel",stylecandle,stylecandle|stylebar|stylethick));
_section_begin("gartley color");
bullishco1 = paramcolor("bullish-1", colorblue);
bullishco2 = paramcolor("bullish-2", colordarkblue);
bearishco1 = paramcolor("bearish-1", colorred);
bearishco2 = paramcolor("bearish-2", colordarkred);
procedure gartley222(vpfactor, tolerance, lookback)
f1 = 0.618;
f2 = 0.786;
f3 = 1.27;
f4 = 1.618;
// setup volatility adjusted reversal array
vp = 100 * atr(lookback) / close;
reversal = int(vpfactor * vp);
bar = barcount-param("no of bars",100,20,1000,10); //no of bars selected by user
if (barcount < 100)
bar = 0;
// for(bar = 50; bar < barcount; bar++)
for(bar; bar < barcount; bar++)
// build peak and trough arrays
p1 = peak(high, reversal[bar]);
p1bar = bar - peakbars(high, reversal[bar]);
p2 = peak(high, reversal[bar], 2);
p2bar = bar - peakbars(high, reversal[bar], 2);
t1 = trough(low, reversal[bar]);
t1bar = bar - troughbars(low, reversal[bar]);
t2 = trough(low, reversal[bar], 2);
t2bar = bar - troughbars(low, reversal[bar], 2);
// test for a bullish 222
// trough x is t2
// peak a is p2
// trough b is t1
// peak c is p1
// d is the buy point
d = low[bar];
ptvalid = (p1bar[bar] > t1bar[bar]) and (t1bar[bar] > p2bar[bar]) and (p2bar[bar] > t2bar[bar]);
hlvalid = (p1[bar] < p2[bar]) and (t1[bar] > t2[bar]) and (p1[bar] > t1[bar]);
inzone = (d < t1[bar]) and (d > t2[bar]);
if(ptvalid and hlvalid and inzone)
xa = p2[bar] - t2[bar];
ab = p2[bar] - t1[bar];
bc = p1[bar] - t1[bar];
cd = p1[bar] - d;
ad = p2[bar] - d;
abdxa = ab / xa; // ab should be 61.8% of xa
c1 = (abdxa > f1 - tolerance) and (abdxa < f1 + tolerance);
bcdab = bc / ab; // bc should be 61.8-78.6% of ab
c2 = (bcdab > f1 - tolerance) and (bcdab < f2 + tolerance);
cddbc = cd / bc; // cd should be 127-161.8% of bc}
c3 = (cddbc > f3 - tolerance) and (cddbc < f4 + tolerance);
addxa = ad / xa; // ad should be 78.6% of xa}
c4 = (addxa > f2 - tolerance) and (addxa < f2 + tolerance);
if(c1 and c2 and c3 and c4)
// bullish gartley found. Draw pattern.
Plotxa = linearray(t2bar[bar], t2[bar], p2bar[bar], p2[bar]);
plot(plotxa, "", bullishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotab = linearray(p2bar[bar], p2[bar], t1bar[bar], t1[bar]);
plot(plotab, "", bullishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotbc = linearray(t1bar[bar], t1[bar], p1bar[bar], p1[bar]);
plot(plotbc, "", bullishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotcd = linearray(p1bar[bar], p1[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotcd, "", bullishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotbd = linearray(t1bar[bar], t1[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotbd, "", bullishco2, styleswingdots );
plotxd = linearray(t2bar[bar], t2[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotxd, "", bullishco2, styleswingdots );
plotxb = linearray(t2bar[bar], t2[bar], t1bar[bar], t1[bar]);
plot(plotxb, "", bullishco2, styleswingdots );
// test for a bearish 222
// peak x is p2
// trough a is t2
// peak b is p1
// trough c is t1
// d is the buy point
d = high[bar];
ptvalid = (t1bar[bar] > p1bar[bar]) and (p1bar[bar] > t2bar[bar]) and (t2bar[bar] > p2bar[bar]);
hlvalid = (t1[bar] > t2[bar]) and (p1[bar] < p2[bar]) and (t1[bar] < p1[bar]);
inzone = (d > p1[bar]) and (d < p2[bar]);
if(ptvalid and hlvalid and inzone)
xa = p2[bar] - t2[bar];
ab = p1[bar] - t2[bar];
bc = p1[bar] - t1[bar];
cd = d - t1[bar];
ad = d - t2[bar];
abdxa = ab / xa; // ab should be 61.8% of xa
c1 = (abdxa > f1 - tolerance) and (abdxa < f1 + tolerance);
bcdab = bc / ab; // bc should be 61.8-78.6% of ab
c2 = (bcdab > f1 - tolerance) and (bcdab < f2 + tolerance);
cddbc = cd / bc; // cd should be 127-161.8% of bc}
c3 = (cddbc > f3 - tolerance) and (cddbc < f4 + tolerance);
addxa = ad / xa; // ad should be 78.6% of xa}
c4 = (addxa > f2 - tolerance) and (addxa < f2 + tolerance);
if(c1 and c2 and c3 and c4)
// bearish gartley found. Draw pattern.
Plotxa = linearray(p2bar[bar], p2[bar], t2bar[bar], t2[bar]);
plot(plotxa, "", bearishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotab = linearray(t2bar[bar], t2[bar], p1bar[bar], p1[bar]);
plot(plotab, "", bearishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotbc = linearray(p1bar[bar], p1[bar], t1bar[bar], t1[bar]);
plot(plotbc, "", bearishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotcd = linearray(t1bar[bar], t1[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotcd, "", bearishco1, styleline + stylethick);
plotbd = linearray(p1bar[bar], p1[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotbd, "", bearishco2, styleswingdots );
plotxd = linearray(p2bar[bar], p2[bar], bar, d);
plot(plotxd, "", bearishco2, styleswingdots );
plotxb = linearray(p2bar[bar], p2[bar], p1bar[bar], p1[bar]);
plot(plotxb, "", bearishco2, styleswingdots );
gartley222(1.0, 0.3, 2);
جزاك الله خير

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